Gwlados Vachan
Alternates: Lucretia Lepida
mka Evan Meier
Pronouns: She/They
Shire of Starhaven, Kingdom of Trimaris
Member #237853, Exp: 8/24/2021
Apprenticed to Mistress Genevieve La Rousse in August 2017.
Member of Ca’ dello Giglio d’Oro Household since March 2018.
Google Doc version of my resume for sharing.

- Classcrat: Jungle Moguls. November 2019
- Dance Mistress: 1st Knowne World Courtesan’s Ball at Gulf Wars 2019
- Apothecary Shop Department Head, Ca’ D’Oro Salon, Gulf Wars 2019
- A&S Officer of the Shire of Starhaven, January 2019-Present.
- Autocrat: Welcome to the Jungle, Shire of Starhaven November 2018
- Site Herald: Village Matsuri, Barony of Darkwater, September 2018
- Classcrat: Starhaven A & S Symposium, Shire of Starhaven, June 2018
- Classcrat: Cattleraids, Shire of Starhaven, February 2018
- Rescrat: Bungle in the Jungle, Shire of Starhaven, November 2017
- Herald of the Shire of Starhaven, May 2017-May 2019
The most up to date listing of the classes I currently offer is in my Class Catalogue.
- Building Better Braids, Starhaven A & S Symposium 2020, Northkeep Winterkingdom 2021
- Get Ready With the Trotula, Knowne World Italian Salone di Fiesole 2020
- Galen’s Cerotum: Make 2c Cold Cream, Knowne World Italian Salone di Fiesole 2020
- Dyeing with Safflower, Jungle Moguls 2019
- Courtesan Personas in the SCA 101, Lilies War 2019
- First-Aid and Hygiene for a Medieval Fighter, Gulf Wars 2019, Lilies War 2019
- Yoga for Better Sex, War of the Wings 2019
- 16 c Yoga for a Modern Practitioner, Gulf Wars 2019, Jungle Moguls 2019
- Trotula 236 Foundation Make & Take, Gulf Wars 2019
- Physician’s of Myddfai Sage and Salt Tooth Scrub Make & Take, Gulf Wars 2019
- Gli Ornamenti Deodorant Make & Take, Gulf Wars 2019
- 16 c French Social Dances, Starhaven A & S Symposium 2018
- Galen’s Cerotum: Make & Take 2nd c Cold Cream, Gathering of the Clans 2018, Gulf Wars 2019, Knowne World Italian Salone di Fiesole 2020
- Roman Foundation Cream & Conjectural Color, Gulf Wars 2018
- Doing the Dargason, Gulf Wars 2017-2018
- Basic Bransles by Arbeau, Gulf Wars 2017-2018, Starhaven A & S Symposium 2018
- European Health and Hygiene Overview, Gulf Wars 2017, Trimaris Memorial Tournament 2017, Cattle Raids 2018, Gulf Wars 2018, Starhaven A & S Symposium 2018, Gulf Wars 2019, Lilies War 2019, Northkeep Winterkingdom 2021
- Balms Away!, Shire of Starhaven Arts Night 12/17
- A Little Color: Make & Take Period Rouges, Village Fair 2017
- Trotula #248: Make & Take 12c Hair Powder. Trimaris Memorial Tournament 2017
- Ball Prep, Gulf Wars 2017
Arts & Sciences Competitions
- Trimaris Kingdom Arts & Sciences: 16c Yoga for a Modern Life
- Gulf War Champions Battle: Cosmetics for Everyone
- Trimaris Kingdom Arts & Sciences: Cosmetics for Everyone*
- Barony of Darkwater Baronial List: 12c Hair Powder & Scented Water*
*Winning entries.
- Companion of the Order of the Trade Winds, Gathering of the Clans April 2019
- Companion of the Order of the Argent Palm, Bungle in the Jungle November 2018
- Companion of the Order of the Argent Estoile, Trimaris Memorial Tournament May 2018
- Non-Pareil: Cosmetics for Everyone, Trimaris Kingdom Arts & Sciences January 2018
- Populace Acclaim: Cosmetics for Everyone, Trimaris Kingdom Arts & Sciences January 2018
- Award of Arms, Fall Coronation November 2017
Society Affiliations
- Mastermind & Host of Whores to Culture, digital salons sponsored by the Knowne World Courtesans.
- Member of Ca’ dello Giglio d’Oro Household since March 2018.
- Owner of 101 acres of the Barony of Bryn Gwlad, Kingdom of Ansteorra, November 2017.
- Founding Member of the Courtesans of Trimaris since November 2017.
- Member of Period Heroes since November 2017.
- Member of Known World Courtesans since September 2017.
- Apprenticed to Mistress Genevieve La Rousse in August 2017.
SCA History
Evan first joined the SCA as a teenager who played every now and again in the Shire of Standing Stones, Kingdom of Calontir under the name Gwynedd Singan. She developed an early passion for historical European dance, the bardic arts, and Welsh persona studies. She continued to pursue her love of historical minutiae outside the SCA, earning a degree in theatre while focusing on ancient Greek and Renaissance plays. She served as Arts & Sciences officer for another reenacting organization for almost two years and taught a lot of history through her work as a drama teacher. Through drama she discovered her love of historical cosmetics. She returned to the SCA through Gulf Wars, but soon became a contributing member of her new home in the Shire of Starhaven, Kingdom of Trimaris.
Evan plays two different personas, depending on the temperature. She also strives to have a diverse garb closet that can accommodate the styles of many cultures within our time period.
In cold weather she portrays Gwlados Vachan, a minor noblewoman of 12th century Dyfed, located in the southern part of modern day Wales. She is married to a Norman lord who has since left to fight in the second crusade alongside his relatives in France. Gwlados tended her manor and her serfs, studying herbalism and medicine to occupy her mind and atone for her many sinful thoughts. Occasional letters would be delivered from her husband Turstin, until the day when they weren’t. Leveraging her large personal fortune, Gwlados set out to the last place he had been heard from, Constantinople. Of course, setting out on her journey finally offered her a world as stimulating as her mind desired. She uses her money to support Byzantine courtesans in their entrepreneurial pursuits and enjoys the nightlife available in the center of the world.
Gwlados is pronounced goo-LAHD-os. Her title is Lady.
In hot weather she portrays Lucretia Lepida, a patrician of the highest order and the widow of a Senator from the 2 c CE. Lepida also lives at the center of the world, Rome. She refuses to remarry under the guise of prolonged mourning for her heroic husband, but actually enjoys the freedom she has without a paterfamilias to run her life. She fills her time with traditional arts for a Roman noblewoman, like spinning and poetry, as well as other things that Roman society finds far less respectable. She works as an unregistered prostitute to fill her time, falling into the docta puella, or professional muse, type of sex worker. She has many friends in the sex trade, from mistresses, to street walkers and madams, and supplies them all with various medicines and cosmetics made by her exceedingly skilled slaves.
Lepida is addressed formally as Lucretia Lepida and informally (“first name”) as Lepida, pronounced LAY-pee-dah. Her title is Domina.
Current Areas of Study
- Roman Garb
- Pottery & Kiln-building
- Roman Contracts
- Italian Dance
- Roman Cosmetics
- Historic Perfume
- Appearing in online events whenever possible!
- An Atlas of Knowne World Faces/Knowne World Look Book makeup looks from cultures and time periods before 1600 CE.